Teak circular cutting board
Furnished content. (from Lumberjocks.com)
I was walking through Lowes looking for some thinner pine I could rip into quartersawn for use in shaker box bottoms when I came across a stack of 15” teak disks individually shrink wrapped. I bought a few to see how they might do as cutting boards. I found the center and attached the center for my bosch circle routing jig, put a core box bit in the plunge router and made a few passes. There is a small divot where the center came loose because it was held down with carpet tape. I ended up putting some strips of gorilla tape down on top of the center which held it for the rest of the 2nd pass.Sanded the disk with my ROS with hand sanding the juice groove up through to 220 grit, raised the grain with a misting of water and let it dry for a few days. Then sanded up to 400 grit and coated with 2 coats of walrus oil board oil 24 hours apart and then waxed it today with walrus oil board wax.I'll probably pick up a few more in the next few days as it was pretty quick to route, just kills my hands after a while sanding the groove but they should do well at craft fairs.It would probably have been easier to do as a face turning on a lathe but my midi lathe only has a 12 in swing over the bed.
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posted at: 12:00am on 27-Apr-2022 path: /Woodworking | permalink | edit (requires password)
Perfect Bevels with a Jointer Plane
Furnished content. (from Popularwoodworking.com)
When making French cleats using a handplane, getting a consistent beveled edge can be problematic, particularly as the bevel approaches 45 and the plane gets tippy. Also, it's difficult to get a good bevel established - starting on the …Source
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posted at: 12:00am on 27-Apr-2022 path: /Woodworking | permalink | edit (requires password)
Boring in the 18th Century
Furnished content. (from Popularwoodworking.com)
Today's array of bits has nothing on historical practice. In my attempts to recreate period work, I've many times come across the need to make holes that no modern tool can practically create. My workbench has 16 1 1…Source
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posted at: 12:00am on 27-Apr-2022 path: /Woodworking | permalink | edit (requires password)
Simple Sprinkler Valve Cover
Furnished content. (from Lumberjocks.com)
I recently made this Sprinker Valve cover box for my son's yard. He has been completly redoing his landscape and needed something to keep the valves protected from the sun. I found an extended pallet advertised for free and utilized the wood from it for this project. Wish I had a better pic of the final outcome, but this will have to do.I actually had fun tearing apart the pallet, running the boards through my Hitachi planner/jointer and building this utilizing Gorilla Glue for waterproofness in the joints. I finished the box with some walnut stain and 3 coats of Thompson's water sealer that I have had for 20+ years just sitting around. Total cost was the price of a few wood screws for the frame and some brad nails (both of which I have plenty).I enjoy this kind of project where I am able to repurpose something for very little cost. If it stays together for a few years, my son will be happy. We fortunately(or unfortunately!) live in Southern California so the weather is mild and likely only sun damage will cause the box to deteriorate slowly. I've got PLENTY of Thompson's left over! LOL!
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posted at: 12:00am on 27-Apr-2022 path: /Woodworking | permalink | edit (requires password)
Toy Chest
Furnished content. (from Lumberjocks.com)
Custom pine Toy Chest – raised panel style
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posted at: 12:00am on 27-Apr-2022 path: /Woodworking | permalink | edit (requires password)
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