The Woodshop Shed

adventures in woodworking and home maintenance, from my shop in an oversized backyard shed

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Tips for Designing and Being Inspired

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Tips for Designing and Being InspiredPosted by toddclippinger
In this video I share my personal tips for finding inspiration and how I design.

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posted at: 12:01am on 22-Feb-2016
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Secrets of Japanese joinery

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Secrets of Japanese joineryPosted by AsaC
This inside look at Sashimono, the Japanese system of traditional wood joinery, is both mind-blowing and inspiring for any woodworker.

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posted at: 6:50am on 07-Oct-2015
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$73 jig changes tablesaw joinery

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$73 jig changes tablesaw joineryPosted by AsaC
A small tool company is offering a simple setup tool that will revolutionize tablesaw joinery of all kinds--from grooves and dadoes to drawer joinery. And it couldn't be easier to use.

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posted at: 12:02am on 23-Dec-2014
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The Funeral Chair Part Two: Preparing the Stock

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The Funeral Chair Part Two: Preparing the StockPosted by fidgen
The second video installment for the funeral chair project from my new book- The Unplugged Woodshop.

Read more here

posted at: 12:08am on 28-Sep-2013
path: /Woodworking/Videos | permalink | edit (requires password)

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