Too for Standup desk
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Made from hard maple and Sapele. 29 deep and almost 60 long.This is my first decent sized top and I learned a lot.Started from rough lumber. It was difficult to get the boards to all lay flat during glue up. I did the glue up in 2 steps. Two outside glue-ups at just under 15 (to fit in my planer) then the last was glueing them together. I made some cauls which definitely helped but still wasn't enough. I used biscuits too, which didn't help all that much either. I put biscuits cuts at the same time and when I went to flatten the first glue ups I sort of lost track and then the distance from the top to the biscuit was off so I had to plane them down a bit more. Next time I will pop those in later.A tricky part was the 60deg detail on the underside. I made that with a router bit I bought off of Amazon. It worked fine but I definitely need more practice with that. And more practice when it comes to sanding small areas at an angle.Sanded her down two 220grit and finished with Oldies wax stuff. Looks pretty good.Incase you are wondering, the base is a Steelcase AirTouch.
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posted at: 12:00am on 01-Apr-2022 path: /Woodworking | permalink | edit (requires password)
Lixie Dead Blow Mallet
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Tool: 30oz Dead Blow Hammer Shop Now Manufacturer: Lixie MSRP:$68 Well-fit joinery (not too loose, not too tight) and well-planned glue-ups rarely need much persuasion - but I am not always lucky enough to find myself with either …Source
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posted at: 12:00am on 01-Apr-2022 path: /Woodworking | permalink | edit (requires password)
Mirror frame
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Hi:Today I started a new project… a carved mirror frame for my grand daughter. It will be 20” x 26” in 8/4 hard white birch. The panel was left unglued along the central joint, and then the pattern was traced onto the panel.Next the bandsaw was used on both the inside and outside of the frame to trim it to the line. When this was done, the two halves of the panel were glued together. Now it will be ready for the carving process.Will keep you posted.
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posted at: 12:00am on 01-Apr-2022 path: /Woodworking | permalink | edit (requires password)
Pinewood derby cars
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We have a pinewood derby coming up and I wanted to see what I could do with the new CNC. Mostly I made then for other adult leaders that aren't racing, but couldn't resist cutting out a couple for my kids too. Don't now that they will be the fastest, but should turn some heads.
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posted at: 12:00am on 01-Apr-2022 path: /Woodworking | permalink | edit (requires password)
Are Lasers Just a Gimmick?
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Lasers are popping up on all sorts of tools. Are they useful - or just clever marketing? We investigate. Editor's note: David asked this question way back in 2005, but with tool manufacturers still putting lasers on all sorts of …Source
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posted at: 12:00am on 01-Apr-2022 path: /Woodworking | permalink | edit (requires password)
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