The Woodshop Shed

adventures in woodworking and home maintenance, from my shop in an oversized backyard shed

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Your First Hand-cut Dovetails

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Dovetails have long been recognized as the premier joint for casework and drawers - and for good reason. They're the …The post Your First Hand-cut Dovetails appeared first on Popular Woodworking Magazine.

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posted at: 12:02am on 09-Oct-2018
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Use Technology to Eliminate Bugs in Reclaimed Wood

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Commercial bought lumber, such as the one found in lumber yards and in the big-box stores is almost always guaranteed …The post Use Technology to Eliminate Bugs in Reclaimed Wood appeared first on Popular Woodworking Magazine.

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posted at: 12:00am on 07-Sep-2018
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Excerpt: How to Draw an Ellipse

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Editor's note: This is an excerpt from The Handy Shop Reference by Tom Begnal. This book contains tons of …The post Excerpt: How to Draw an Ellipse appeared first on Popular Woodworking Magazine.

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posted at: 12:00am on 31-Aug-2018
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Hanging and Wedging a Wooden Handle - Part 2

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Three years ago while teaching a woodworking class at Peters Valley I met Blacksmith Eric Dennis, who was at the …The post Hanging and Wedging a Wooden Handle - Part 2 appeared first on Popular Woodworking Magazine.

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posted at: 12:01am on 16-Aug-2018
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