The Woodshop Shed

adventures in woodworking and home maintenance, from my shop in an oversized backyard shed

April 2022
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Build A Patio Planter

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Strong, simple joinery provides lasting beauty. If you've been thinking about beautifying your patio, and you want to do it in a weekend, I've got just the thing. This sturdy planter is made from readily available materials with simple …Source

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posted at: 12:00am on 05-Apr-2022
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High track dozer

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High track dozerHere is the high track dozer I built from a Toys and Joys plan. I used northern white hard maple in this build. I used black walnut for the seat and makore for the track pads. Generally I use cherry for the tracks but I had some thin makore so I decided to go with that for this one. I finish my models with a clear finish and really like the way the tracks on this one popped out when I finished this one. This build kicked my butt more than once, as a result I will need to visit the confessional an added time during this Lenten season!

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posted at: 12:00am on 05-Apr-2022
path: /Woodworking | permalink | edit (requires password)

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Attitude Bear

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Attitude BearThis Big Fella stands about 8' tall. Created in place from a Cedar tree. The expression tells it all.

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posted at: 12:00am on 05-Apr-2022
path: /Woodworking | permalink | edit (requires password)

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Exterior Oil Finishes

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Easy to use and maintain, they keep outdoor wood furniture looking like new. You've spent the winter building a set of cedar Adirondack chairs; or maybe you've purchased a teak garden bench. You love the look of natural wood and …Source

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posted at: 12:00am on 05-Apr-2022
path: /Woodworking | permalink | edit (requires password)

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Speckled Elm Bowl

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Speckled Elm BowlThis small bowl was very quick and fun to turn.
I am calling it elm but it may very well be Chinaberry. I was very surprised by the color of the finished piece. Along with the dark coloration there are light colored speckles that I've really come to like.
Its a small bowl with the widest part of the bowl measuring 5 inches across and the depth of the bowl is 2 inches. This bowl has a very thin wall that is just under 1/8th of an inch.
I used a homemade shellac sanding sealer which I applied two coats lightly sanding between each one. I then applied more shellac and burnished it into the wood. The final wax is Renaissance Microcrystaline Wax.The fourth pic is the trio of pieces I made at the end of March and the beginning of April.
Thanks for looking.

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posted at: 12:00am on 05-Apr-2022
path: /Woodworking | permalink | edit (requires password)

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April 2022
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