brass and curly maple handle
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I recently got a straight blade sloyd knife blank from pinewood forge and just had a chance to put a handle on it today. I modeled the handle after the spyderco puukko which I use as a larger carving knife occasionally and know is comfortable. I used a scrap of curly maple I had around and a piece of brass to accent the handle. I can tell I am going to get a lot of use out of this.
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posted at: 12:00am on 16-Apr-2022 path: /Woodworking | permalink | edit (requires password)
A Simple Mitered Credenza
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This simple credenza is perfect for storing your extra dishes and linens. The seamless case features routed joints reinforced with floating tenons as well as easy lock miter drawers.Source
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posted at: 12:00am on 16-Apr-2022 path: /Woodworking | permalink | edit (requires password)
Curly Ambrosia Maple Box
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With some remaining Ambrosia Maple, I decided to take another shot at a little square box.The sides are 5” and the height is probably around 4”.It was a fun little project. The curly maple kinda steals the show… it has very robust grain patterns as you can see.I decided again that it didn't need a handle given its size. To distinguish the bottom from the top, I decided to paint a black band around the top.It was a trick (at least for me) gluing it together, and the miters still aren't perfect, but better.It's kinda nice taking a break from the clocks. I have so many of those!Be interesting to see if there's any interest in these little boxes.
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posted at: 12:00am on 16-Apr-2022 path: /Woodworking | permalink | edit (requires password)
Walnut Crotch
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I had this beautifully figured piece of walnut crotch laying around for some time and finally had the inspiration to turn it into something other than a paper weight. I would have much rather re-sawn into thinner match booked boards but never had the bandsaw with enough capacity or horsepower.Mated with 1 inch and 9/16 inch Maple dowel slices.Finished with Tru-Oil.
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posted at: 12:00am on 16-Apr-2022 path: /Woodworking | permalink | edit (requires password)
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