The Woodshop Shed

adventures in woodworking and home maintenance, from my shop in an oversized backyard shed

January 2022
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Multi Function Shooting Board

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Multi Function Shooting BoardHi All,
I decided to update my shooting board as I was getting poor miter results from my old ramped shooting board.I started the new board by cutting 3/4” Baltic birch plywood into the required dimensions for the design. I then laminated 1/4” red oak veneer on the faces and bottoms of the components and then ran them through my jointer and planer to make sure every thing was square and true. I then laminated 1/8” red oak on the ends.I made the 90 degree miter wedge out of 1 1/2” red oak and that is attached to the middle of the board with 1/4-20 brass inserts and bolts at 45 degrees. I made adjustable faces for the wedge which are also attached with 1/4-20 brass inserts and bolts which move in a slot.I routed a groove on the far end for a 90 degree stop block so I could shoot 90 degree cross grain and long grain.I also routed 2 Micro Jig dovetail grooves parallel to the shooting edge.I made a press board out of 3/16” stock and slotted with 1/4-20 brass inserts and bolts it so I can adjust it to keep my plane tight to the cutting edge.To use this board for mitering, you set up the wedge so its 45 degrees to the edge with a square and then the piece being mitered on the left in the top view picture is planed normally until it's a perfect 45 degree miter. the piece on the right in the top view picture is set against the wedge and then a stop block with a 45 degree miter is clamped with a Micro jig clamp to the back of the piece to hold it tight to the wedge and also prevent blow out.This method allows me to use my Veritas shooting plane on both pieces being mitered which normally you couldn't do because it's a right hand plane and you cant turn it around to miter the piece on the right.I didn't make a donkey ear for this board yet, but plan on doing so.As you can see in the pics, it works great! Nice tight miters! I'm so glad I did this project!

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posted at: 12:00am on 28-Jan-2022
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Dan Dragon's Torii Table Part 1: A Journey to Find One's Woodworking Calling

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Under a makeshift awning in a quiet valley near Jerusalem, Israel, Dan Dragon, a multi-faceted maker, has just finished one of the most interesting pieces that I have seen to date. It's a sophisticated knockdown table that draws its esthetic …Source

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posted at: 12:00am on 28-Jan-2022
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ValenceThe plastic valence on the new vertical blinds warped after one year in the summer heat here is Arizona, so I made a wooden one that was quite a bit heavier. This one is made from pecan wood and it is 80” long, 5” wide and 5/8” thick.I was going to put up steel L brackets and screw it in from the top but I though mounting on 5- 3/4” pegs would make it more substantial of a mount and allow me to mount it without any help..It is finished with boiled linseed oil and Rustoleum clear 2X satin spray enamel.Cheers, Jim

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posted at: 12:00am on 28-Jan-2022
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Spatulas - A Cautionary Tale

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Spatulas - A Cautionary TaleI made some Snicker Doodles the other day, and used my wife's favorite stirring spatula to mix the dough. As the recipe said, the dough became quite stiff. Hence the busted utensil… (sad face).
But of course the Snicker Doodles were a hit, and some homemade peach jam was excellent on it! The cookies didn't last long!
So to make up for it, I hunted up some maple, which turned out to be a little figured, and split it in half, planed it down just above 1/4”, then cut out the shape on the bandsaw.Then smoothed it down with the Rigid Oscillating sander, and sanded a bevel on the end.Since I didn't have an 1/8” radius router bit, and have wanted one for quite some time, I hotfooted it down to the hardware store and got my grubby mitts on one…I routed both sides… which is a little tricky since the second pass offsets a little bit. No matter, I got out the “shaping paper” and fixed the ridge, and sanded to about 400.
Some mineral oil soaked in pretty good, but then I washed them a bit to raise the grain, and then sanded again, and soaked again in mineral oil
Somewhere in there, I made sure my beloved approved of the shape, width, and thickness – ie. it fit HER hands not my big mitts.And since I had the machines already set up, I dug out some Hickory and made four more!It was a fun easy project, and I scored a new router bit too.

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posted at: 12:00am on 28-Jan-2022
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Original Cabinet Hardware Jig

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Tool: Original Cabinet Hardware Jig Shop Now  Manufacturer: True Position Tools MSRP: $199 Installing cabinet pulls can be a bit daunting. It's usually one of the last steps in the process, and when you're close to finished. Making a …Source

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posted at: 12:00am on 28-Jan-2022
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