The Woodshop Shed

adventures in woodworking and home maintenance, from my shop in an oversized backyard shed

January 2022
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LampsA matching pair of hand turned lamps.

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posted at: 12:00am on 30-Jan-2022
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Gonk Bud Vase

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Gonk Bud VaseValentine's Day is coming up and I think it is kind of a tricky holiday for us males. The dog house always looms. I'm also kind of cheap, so maybe that is why I struggle with it. I'm certainly not going to be buying diamonds or anything crazy like that. I've been seeing a lot of You Tube turners making these gonk or gnome things. So I thought of making this bud vase and will get a fresh rose bud for the day and a card of course. Thanks for looking. Woods are oak, purple heart, cherry and madrone.

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posted at: 12:00am on 30-Jan-2022
path: /Woodworking | permalink | edit (requires password)

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The Checker Madness Awl

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The Checker Madness AwlThis awl is part of my #100AwlGiveAway contest that I started a few weeks ago. I paired walnut, cherry and redheart with a 6D nail. Both the cherry and walnut were cut into 1/8th inch strips, glued together, sliced again and then glued front to back to create a checkerboard pattern.This is 3rd in my series. With each awl, I make 10. By the end of this in roughly 7 weeks, I will have made 100 awls altogether (all though, honestly, I'm making 2 extra of each…so I should have about 120).If you're interested in making an awl and showing it off at the end of my video (along with your name/state), check out my webpage. I'd love to give each of these away…but you don't have to accept one of my awls to be a part of this challenge, and you don't need a lathe either, as I've shown several ways to make them without that spinning beast.It's been a lot of fun and a challenge to myself as I try to one up the awls each week.The video showing how I made this one: contest page (as well as a step by step page to making one), if you want to learn more:

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posted at: 12:00am on 30-Jan-2022
path: /Woodworking | permalink | edit (requires password)

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