Gall Wall Clock Take 2
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This design proved pretty popular here and among friends, so I wanted to see if I could create it again. Other than playing with some stains and changing the wall hanger, I followed the original design pretty closely. The speckled trout pattern of the clock face is something I'm able to get out of a wild cherry gall if I cut into it correctly. The outside frame is from a board of ambrosia maple I got from Lowes. I went back to Lowes and snagged 8 more 8 foot pieces of the maple, so more of these clocks to come. I got the ambrosia maple at $10 a board, so a decent deal I think. I finished my first clock on November 2nd, so it feels fitting to finish this, my 20th clock, on January 2nd.
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posted at: 12:00am on 03-Jan-2022 path: /Woodworking | permalink | edit (requires password)
Cypress Dining Table with Cherry Base
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I've been MIA on here for a long time. I really haven't been doing much with woodworking but I had a project I wanted to do over the Christmas break. I had a glass dining room table that was always dirty looking so I wanted to replace it with something wood. Everything is joined with domino tenons. The table isn't quite as square as I would like but it should hold plates of food 30 inches above the floor without collapsing.I'm hoping this project will get me back into making some furniture pieces.
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posted at: 12:00am on 03-Jan-2022 path: /Woodworking | permalink | edit (requires password)
Custom rock maple and walnut foosball table
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So this is actually the third foosball table I have built. The second in this style. The case is made from solid rock/hard maple. The legs are also made of rock maple. The field is a butcher block style of walnut affixed to two 3/4” sheets of particle board. This was to get weight and a flat surface for the field. I inlaid the maple field markings with scrap left over from some figured maple I had laying around. I used my Shapeoko CNC to do this and am really happy with the results. I added the walnut trim to the box this time. Last time I used maple (maple on maple) and it just didn't have the pop I was hoping. The walnut fixed that, and it took me finishing this one to realize it. I bought all the parts for the men, rods, etc online and after measuring 3 times I drilled the holes. Things lined up like they should. This was a fun project, and foosball tables are by far my favorite build. They are way fun, great conversation pieces! The finished product is FAST and HEAVY. I think this thing weighs easily 300 lbs put together. I finished the whole thing with 3 coats of General Finishes Arm-r-seal semi-gloss and am happy with the finish. I just recently began using General Finishes and I am really happy with them so far. I really wanted toThanks for looking!
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posted at: 12:00am on 03-Jan-2022 path: /Woodworking | permalink | edit (requires password)
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