The Woodshop Shed

adventures in woodworking and home maintenance, from my shop in an oversized backyard shed

January 2022
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Mesquite/Cork Trivet

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Mesquite/Cork TrivetI made this trivet out of 3 pieces of mesquite, turned it and the glued in the cork. It is 9” diameter and 1” thick. i rolled the edge under so a person can get their fingers under it to lift it with a hot dish on it.It is inlaid with turquoise sand from the Sleeping Beauty mine in Globe, Az and finished with Danish Oil and buffed and waxed.I added a shot of the first turn with the mortise in the top for holding it to turn the bottom.Cheers, Jim

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posted at: 12:00am on 05-Jan-2022
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A Pumpkin Center Piece Project for my Sister

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A Pumpkin Center Piece Project for my SisterMy sister asked me to make a number of table center pieces for a school program she was helping to decorate for. The piece is based off (with some modifications) something she saw at a Large Lot store (no ads here) so I went to the store to get the measurements, the last picture. Shortly after my commitments to her, I injured my ankle playing my husband in racquetball. SO, between the 3 of us, we finished up making 35 of these center pieces. This is as close to production line work as I would ever want to come. I made my poor hubby salvage the wood from someone's back yard who was taking down a swimming pool & fence, with their permission of course. I have a reputation as a dumpster diving, garage sale'n kind of person. SO, from old pool fencing to Thanksgiving center pieces.

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posted at: 12:00am on 05-Jan-2022
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Tool Test: 3M Convolute Deburring Wheel

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Tool: Scotch-Brite Deburring Wheel Shop Now  Manufacturer: 3M MSRP: $50+ Someone saw this deburring wheel on Instagram and clued me in to it; sold. It's really a metal-working tool for knocking off sharp edges and small bits of metal. …Source

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posted at: 12:00am on 05-Jan-2022
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Hammered Cat

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Hammered Cat The handle on my favorite hammer needed to be refinished, so I sanded it, sprayed on a coat of polyurethane and hung it over the edge of the picnic table to dry. A moment later I heard a …Source

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posted at: 12:00am on 05-Jan-2022
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High Powered Glasses from projection TV Lenses

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High Powered Glasses from projection TV LensesI was watching a cool movie (on DVD) called ” The Name of the Rose ”, with Sean Connery and Christian Slater. Ron Pearlman. He had a pair of thick lensed wooden folding glasses for reading and looking for clues. So I made a similar pair from lenses I salavaged from a big old projection TV. I made a nice leather (wool fleece lined)) pouch and lanyard for them too. They are quite heavy to wear around my neck. Sean carries them on his belt in the movie. They also have a shiny copper ring that holds the lens into the African Rosewood wooden frame. Just a fun project that was very satisfying to make.

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posted at: 12:00am on 05-Jan-2022
path: /Woodworking | permalink | edit (requires password)

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