The Woodshop Shed

adventures in woodworking and home maintenance, from my shop in an oversized backyard shed

October 2020
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Comfort Birds - also w/ Template & WIP

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Comfort Birds - also w/ Template & WIPI've been carving a few Comfort Birds lately. I've finished about 13, and have quite a few in process too.
I was trying to make some out of every kind of wood in my shop, but I don't know if that will happen at this point!Notice I made a template from some aluminum flashing. That speeds things up a bit. Now I need something that will speed up finishing. That's the thing that holds me up. I can saw out and carve one in about an hour, and then the sanding from 100 – 400 grit takes about another hour. The finishing with wipe-on polyurethane takes… well I don't really know since it takes several applications and there's always some blemish that needs retouching…Anyway, I've enjoyed carving these and giving them to friends and family.Cherry, Alder, Walnut, Mahogany, Sapele, Poplar, Red Oak, Ash, Fir, Paulownia, Lignum Vitae, Wormy Hickory, Rubber Wood, Beech, Peach, Chinaberry

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posted at: 12:00am on 04-Oct-2020
path: /Woodworking | permalink | edit (requires password)

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Optical Center Punches

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Optical Center PunchesI had 2 long range projects going in the shop. Now that the marble machine is finished and the other one has paint drying, I got back to making these 2 optical center punches. I was a lost on what to use for the center clear rod with cross hairs and then I found a piece of clear plastic rod in my plastic cut offs drawer and tried it out in a wood block. I thought it would be too dark to see the cross hairs down at the bottom of the hole, but it is amazing how bright the lines show up with this rod sitting on top of the piece to be punched. That rod must amplify the light down the tubeThese two are made from Brazilian rosewood with a brass sleeve pressed in the center. The center punches are hardened tool steel so they can be used on steel as well as wood. The clear plastic rods are highly polished on the ends with commercial plastic polish used for epoxy table tops and the cross hairs were scratched into them in the milling machine. The wood is finished with EEE and Shellawax

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posted at: 12:00am on 04-Oct-2020
path: /Woodworking | permalink | edit (requires password)

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October 2020
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