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Custom Cutting Board

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Custom Cutting BoardWhat ? A cutting board ? Yep, that what it started out to be 2 weeks ago when I made a dozen or so other boards. The more I looked at this particular glue up I just couldn't see a cutting board so I decided it wanted to be a box. Sure wish I had taken a picture or two but we all know how that works.
So anyway I had a plank about 10” wide x 14” or so long and I sliced it into 4 pieces about 2” high x 10” wide and 11/16” thick. I cut the miters on all of the ends and put it together with a rubber band holding it. HATED IT !
It laid around for a week or so while I finished the other boards and I started a couple lamp shades to occupy my mind. I ended up with one shade and 1 really cute little bowl and started to make the lamp stand and ran into the 'box'
I didn't like the size relative to the thickness so off to the band saw. I cut the sides in half ( about 5/16” ) and ran everything thru the drum sander. Re-cut the miters on 32 pieces and finished the inside with 3 coats of poly then glued 8 boxes without tops or bottoms.
I decided to inlay bottoms by relieving half of the thickness so as to leave about 3/16” lip showing at the bottom with a rabbit the thickness of the walls to make more glue surface.
After they all dried I rounded the corners and inside/outside edges for a more pleasing appearance.
So the bottom line after all is said and done, this cutting board that normally takes a couple hours of easy stress free labor turned into a week of indecision leading up to a set of 8 really cute little nesting boxes.
almost forfor, the dims are 4 3/4” square x 2 1/8” x 5/16 thick on the larger ones and 3 15/16 square x 1 7/8” high x 5/16” thick.Thanks for looking and have GREAT DAY !
here's a picture showing the original pattern of the board

Read more here

posted at: 12:00am on 25-Aug-2022
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