The Woodshop Shed

adventures in woodworking and home maintenance, from my shop in an oversized backyard shed

August 2022
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Faster Cleaning

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Here's a quick way to get all the dust out of your machine's nooks and crannies. Most shop vacuums have one port for vacuuming and a second port for blowing. Hook up a hose to each port, then blow and …Source

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posted at: 12:00am on 25-Aug-2022
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Interleaved cutting board

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Interleaved cutting boardI was out browsing for new ideas on Pinterest, and I saw a nice image of an endless pattern that included hexagons with interleaved parallelogram shapes - and I wanted to make an end grain cutting board using that pattern. It turned out to be much more work than I ever anticipatedIt quickly turned out that this particular pattern is impossible (?) to make using the normal flipping-flopping-gluing method on a table saw - at least I cannot think of how to do it that way. Also, the difference in shape for the various pieces makes practically no room for any scale or angular errors when making them. So I ended up milling each individual piece on my CNC router, in order to get good overall precision. It took about 12 hours machining time. For the gluing, I made two custom clamping blocks that pressed the pieces together. I glued one row of pieces at a time, until it was finished.If I ever going to make more boards like this, I must come up with a better way of making the pieces, this way took much too long time.My main blog of stuff I make on my CNC router.

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posted at: 12:00am on 25-Aug-2022
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A School for Impractical Cabinetmakers

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A gifted teacher preserves and shares the legacy of James Krenov. Editor's note: This article originally appeared in the June 2017 issue of Popular Woodworking Magazine To reach the Inside Passage School of Fine Cabinetmaking, you head northwest from …Source

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posted at: 12:00am on 25-Aug-2022
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Custom Cutting Board

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Custom Cutting BoardWhat ? A cutting board ? Yep, that what it started out to be 2 weeks ago when I made a dozen or so other boards. The more I looked at this particular glue up I just couldn't see a cutting board so I decided it wanted to be a box. Sure wish I had taken a picture or two but we all know how that works.
So anyway I had a plank about 10” wide x 14” or so long and I sliced it into 4 pieces about 2” high x 10” wide and 11/16” thick. I cut the miters on all of the ends and put it together with a rubber band holding it. HATED IT !
It laid around for a week or so while I finished the other boards and I started a couple lamp shades to occupy my mind. I ended up with one shade and 1 really cute little bowl and started to make the lamp stand and ran into the 'box'
I didn't like the size relative to the thickness so off to the band saw. I cut the sides in half ( about 5/16” ) and ran everything thru the drum sander. Re-cut the miters on 32 pieces and finished the inside with 3 coats of poly then glued 8 boxes without tops or bottoms.
I decided to inlay bottoms by relieving half of the thickness so as to leave about 3/16” lip showing at the bottom with a rabbit the thickness of the walls to make more glue surface.
After they all dried I rounded the corners and inside/outside edges for a more pleasing appearance.
So the bottom line after all is said and done, this cutting board that normally takes a couple hours of easy stress free labor turned into a week of indecision leading up to a set of 8 really cute little nesting boxes.
almost forfor, the dims are 4 3/4” square x 2 1/8” x 5/16 thick on the larger ones and 3 15/16 square x 1 7/8” high x 5/16” thick.Thanks for looking and have GREAT DAY !
here's a picture showing the original pattern of the board

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posted at: 12:00am on 25-Aug-2022
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Three More Rattles

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Three More RattlesMore friends are having grand babies so I thought the little ones need rattles. The two long ones are 5 1/4” long and 1 1/8' diameter on the ends and have 2 steel balls in each end. They are turned out of Box elder.The ring rattle is 3 7/8” diameter and a little over 1/2” on the cross section. It is made from mesquite and has 4 steel balls inside.They are all finished with a 3 step buff and wax ( carnuba wax).I add a few shots of them in the making. I did the ring a little different than I do bracelets- I finished the outside first and had to hold it to do the inside. I made a split ring collet out of nylon ( I have made many out of wood before) to hold it from the outside. So if I make any more ring rattles, they will have to be 3 7/8” diameter.Cheers, Jim

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posted at: 12:00am on 25-Aug-2022
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