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Mechanical clocks
Furnished content. (from WoodNet.net)
Off topic post about watches crossed over to clocks, and I though I'd post up one of my most favorite projects. I built this clock case/shelf (mesquite) sometime around 1998 I think. Hermle movement from Woodcraft that I've done absolutely nothing to other than blowing the dust off a couple times when moving it. It keeps good time, losing maybe a minute a week. Built it specifically with the David Winter cottages in mind. We've had it for so many years that I don't always notice the chime (hour count and half hour only), but every time I do it makes me happy... and reminds me to be grateful I have the ability to work wood, and thankful for the people I've 'known' because of that. Wife mentioned the other day that I probably oughta show her how to wind it. 26 years and she's never done it.

cottage_clock.jpg (Size: 996.64 KB / Downloads: 29)
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posted at: 9:16am on 11-Apr-2024 path: /Woodworking | permalink | edit (requires password)
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