The Woodshop Shed

adventures in woodworking and home maintenance, from my shop in an oversized backyard shed

February 2022
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A Better Table for a Drill Press

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Hold and guide your work like never before with this fixture that will (finally) fix your drill press. There probably isn't any machine more ignored in my shop than my drill press. Even though I use it constantly for …Source

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posted at: 12:00am on 10-Feb-2022
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The "Empty Spaces" Awl

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The "Empty Spaces" AwlAs part of my 100 Awl Contest, where I encourage others to make awls out of their best scrap woods, I came up with this awl, which I call the “Empty Spaces” awl. I used jatoba, maple and ebony (and a divine 6D nail) to create it. I used my table saw box joint jig to create the spaces in the maple pieces and then layered the hole and space needed to add a nail.Finally, I used a pvc pipe with a piece of sandpaper attached to it to give it a rounded inner look.!I'm always looking for new participants in this contest as I have a lot of awls I'd love to give away, so if you're interested, come check out how to enter: see how I made this particular awl (it's about 5 minutes in all), click here:

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posted at: 12:00am on 10-Feb-2022
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Armoire to long gun cabinet conversion

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Armoire to long gun cabinet conversionSolid mahogany armoire converted to a gun cabinet. Project involved replacing the solid, veneered mahogany doors with glass panel doors, inlaying a walnut and holly escutcheon, replacing the 1/4 paperboard back with a four-panel solid mahogany back and refinishing the interior.Funny (now) story. I had to rebuild to barrel cradle because the gun I used to create the proper lean was scoped. Delivered the project, customer calls me the next day to let me know all of his shotguns are falling out due to the different center of gravity while vertical. Ok, honest mistake. I remake the cradle, install it and start packing up. Realize that there's two more hinge screws I need to install. Customer sees me looking around for my driver, says “no problem, use mine”. Despite every voice screaming in my head to go get mine, I accept his offer, attempt to spin the bit up to tighten it and the driver (me) spits the bit right through the glass panel. Sigh…. Two screws away from being done.I have no idea why the pictures got rotated. Couldn't get them to load any other way.

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posted at: 12:00am on 10-Feb-2022
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Ambrosia Maple knife display

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Ambrosia Maple knife displayMade this knife display for my buddy who was giving his son a custom Bowie knife. The antler is from a hunt the two went on. The antler is attached to the top with 2 brass 3/8” rods epoxied in place. I Also laser engraved thier family crest.

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posted at: 12:00am on 10-Feb-2022
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Woodpeckers Slab Flattening Mill Review

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Tool: Slab Flattening Mill Shop Now  Manufacturer:Woodpeckers MSRP:$799.99 (Basic mill) $1099.99 (Extended mill) There's no denying the popularity of live edge slab furniture (I've even seen full slabs wrapped in plastic at the big box store). Just …Source

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posted at: 12:00am on 10-Feb-2022
path: /Woodworking | permalink | edit (requires password)

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