The Woodshop Shed

adventures in woodworking and home maintenance, from my shop in an oversized backyard shed

June 2024
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Beginnings of a work bench

Furnished content.

I posted earlier about braking down Ash boards. Well the reason I was doing that is because I am starting to build another work bench. And I wanted to show that braking down plywood or heavy timber the process is the same. It is just getting it into usable size. And I wanted to say I am very happy not to live in a place that has covenants. In fact stay tuned.

My wife is having a garden club meeting at out house tonight and we had a big storm come through about a week ago and she wanted me to take sticks and branches it out to a friends burn pile and while I was there I decided to get some moreAsh. It was cut a couple of years ago and it was at 10 % I unhooked my straps and removed 4 pieces andbundled it back up. This is the first wood I have gotten and I was surprised on how flat it stayed.

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Anyway on the way back I stopped at the Little Brown Church and took a couple of pictures. I think it was finished in 1864 It isquite famous and even had A song written about it. The Little Brown Church in the Vale. It is an active church today. Lots of people from all over come there to get Married. Sue and I were married there 55 years ago this coming June 21st. The couple visiting inside said they were Married there 47 years ago. Anyway I write this because it is where all the ash came from. The church lost 11 ash trees And all the ash pictured came from one tree.

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I took it home and proceeded to cut it into usable sizes so I could get it on my table saw. oneof the pictures show 3 knots and otherwise the boards are clear. I also showed the split at the other end. Each board is book matched to the one under it. I was one of the grunts when it was sawn. And we handled it that way.

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And then I decided to test the waters and took the last board to my shop. So I cut the last board right in front of my shop,right down town on main street. There was a nice breeze so I didn't even sweep up the sawdust.

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Did I get away withit? People waved as they drove by. Going to do all my brake down on Main Street from now on. The Little brown church is level, just poor photography.

I hope you enjoy how I spent part of my day.


Read more here

posted at: 12:00am on 05-Jun-2024
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