The Woodshop Shed

adventures in woodworking and home maintenance, from my shop in an oversized backyard shed

December 2024
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Where can I find a Three Mountaineers Spice Rack print?

Furnished content.


The enclosed spice rack was a wedding gift for my in-laws back in '65. I've built the rack for our daughter as a Christmas gift, but I can't find the print for the inside and outside anywhere. Looking as Etsy and Ebay and the Googler, I can buy the entire cabinet, but I just was the prints. Got any good sources that will have the prints? Thanks!

.gif  3_Mountaineers_cover_shot.GIF (Size: 141.11 KB / Downloads: 66)

.gif  3_Mountaineers_inside_shot.GIF (Size: 136.8 KB / Downloads: 66)

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posted at: 12:00am on 01-Dec-2024
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