The Woodshop Shed

adventures in woodworking and home maintenance, from my shop in an oversized backyard shed

December 2024
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Chisel rack....install it bark side up or down

Furnished content.

I was futzing around in the shop Sunday and I made this chisel rack. (Everyone likes the exposed bark look these days to I figger, "What the heck".)

It will sit to the right of my benchtop and I initially planned on installing it bark side down, but then youreally can'tsee the bark unless you squat down, and I'm getting to the age when a squat could mean an impromptu trip to the can!!!

Bark side up shows off the bark (duh!!!) but the "shelf" (not the correct word, but you get the gist) isn't as wide. But I doubt I'd ever use it.

What's the consensus??

.gif  Bark_side_down.gif (Size: 468.18 KB / Downloads: 107)

.gif  Bark_side_up.gif (Size: 506.4 KB / Downloads: 107)

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posted at: 12:00am on 18-Dec-2024
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