The Woodshop Shed

adventures in woodworking and home maintenance, from my shop in a backyard shed

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Couple more crosses

Furnished content.

Couple more crossesFinished up a couple more crosses. The first one pictured was intended to be a layered but I did my half lap on the wrong side so cut the vertical piece down. The size left meant the layers wouldn't look right so I found a piece of walnut that I had from the practice with the bandsaw, and headed back to the bandsaw to cut a “background cross.” Used the blue tape as I couldn't see my pencil marks. Worked great.

Not sure what the centered cross is made from (was from a bunch of cutoffs I got at the local hardwood store).The other is poplar (center cross), and the heat-treated poplar, and another mystery wood (very soft and medium brown with interesting grain). I just used half-lap rather than stacking like prior attempts. Did a little blog about this.

Read more here

posted at: 12:00am on 13-Jan-2022
path: /Woodworking | permalink

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