The Woodshop Shed

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An Old Chair from my family's Ancestry

Furnished content.

An Old Chair from my family's AncestryThe chair was obviously handmade. There were a lot of broken pieces which I was able to redo. The caning was not as big of a challenge as I thought it would be, with the help from the Internet, I found plenty of pointers and supply houses. Also, there is an 'antique' hardware store in Indy that provided me with some materials.It was a fun project. My mind was constantly on the person who made the chair and the tools they would have used compared with the tools and resources I have available, electricity being the prime commodity. I was thinking about all the mothers in my ancestry who rocked their babies using this chair. My guess is, from the family I talked with, the chair was made sometime in the later 1800's.

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posted at: 12:00am on 08-Jan-2022
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