Interleaved cutting board
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I was out browsing for new ideas on Pinterest, and I saw a nice image of an endless pattern that included hexagons with interleaved parallelogram shapes - and I wanted to make an end grain cutting board using that pattern. It turned out to be much more work than I ever anticipatedIt quickly turned out that this particular pattern is impossible (?) to make using the normal flipping-flopping-gluing method on a table saw - at least I cannot think of how to do it that way. Also, the difference in shape for the various pieces makes practically no room for any scale or angular errors when making them. So I ended up milling each individual piece on my CNC router, in order to get good overall precision. It took about 12 hours machining time. For the gluing, I made two custom clamping blocks that pressed the pieces together. I glued one row of pieces at a time, until it was finished.If I ever going to make more boards like this, I must come up with a better way of making the pieces, this way took much too long time.My main blog of stuff I make on my CNC router.
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