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Triangle Peg Game

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Triangle Peg GameFew months ago we went on a road trip to visit my sister in Lincoln, Nebraska. When we were there, we went to a restaurant called Cracker Barrel; each dining table had a small peg game. While waiting for our food, I noticed that people around us were playing the peg game. Seemed intriguing, so I tried. Long story short we passed the peg game around the table and everyone enjoyed playing it, even my children! So I decided to make this DIY Triangle Peg Game board. I purposely made the pegs much larger than the original game so that it would be easier to find if kids throw them into a toy storage or somewhere else.This DIY brain teaser game is a perfect gift for this upcoming Christmas holiday. Is there a better way to improve your brain health then have fun while playing a game? The rules for triangle peg game are simple; and played by one person. Fill in all the holes with pegs except one that's on top of the triangle. Later you can try different variations, leaving an empty hole in a different place, for a greater challenge. The player is supposed to jump pegs like in checkers, removing each one from the game, until there are no more moves left. The less the pegs left in the end the better. If you have only one peg left, you're a genius!If you end up with:One Peg = You're a Genius
Two Pegs = You're Pretty Smart
Three Pegs = You're Just AverageYou also might be interested in my other game projects that I've built: DIY Pucket Game, DIY Mancala Board Game, and Cornhole Boards with Scoreboard. Also check out other awesome projects at TheDIYPlan.

Read more here

posted at: 12:00am on 17-Dec-2019
path: /Woodworking | permalink

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