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Puzzle Box and Beer Chastity Belts for Bill Berklich

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Puzzle Box and Beer Chastity Belts for Bill BerklichWell, another swap down. A good one with many good projects out of this one for a beer swap especially.I was given the task to make something for Bill Berklich. A good dude. I don't know him well but I know he does work with the scouts. I respect that, it helps make independent youths to grow into real productive members of society. Can't stress enough the importance of this today. So right there, that's good in my book.I decided to make it fun. I've had fun games, pranks, jokes, etc. in a couple of my past swaps and I seem to get a kick out of it, that's all that matters right?I grabbed some plans awhile back for free for a puzzle box from woodsmith. Hadn't built it yet but thought it was a pretty cool concept. Modeled after Japanese puzzle boxes from long ago and some of those required over 100 moves to open it. This particular one only requires five moves. So it's fairly basic.I also printed up some can locks on the 3D printer. These things are surprisingly strong. I was shocked at the grip of these. I felt like I would be breaking the can or something when trying to pull them off without unlocking the lock. I then bought some cheap brass locks to secure the toppers on.Overall it was a fun build. The box was surprisingly complicated to make. I've made some fun fancy boxes in the past but this one was probably the toughest I've made in at least a couple years.Bill appeared to enjoy the game to get to his keys, that made me pleased. I also included some pen blanks I've poured. He should be able to make some cool stuff with those.How you all enjoy!Thanks

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posted at: 12:00am on 19-Sep-2020
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