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MULTI AXIS TURNING, A BLURRY EXPERIENCE, VIDEOLast fall I had been looking at some You Tube video's and discovered multi Axis turning, Thought it was interesting and spent a week doing some examples, learned allot and would like to pass it on to you, I know allot of you do not do lathwork but may find it interesting. Basically you offset the tailstock and head stock point in an organized manner. Usually 3 points, 120 degrees apart. numbering 1,2,3. both ends in the same plane, By using a 1 with a 2, you get a 120 degree twist. where the difficulty is you can't see the wood you are cutting and the profile on all three sides has to be the same. Mounted 3 times. I have done a 4 sided one with a 90 degree twist.each time it looks like this and doesn't get any clearerThe only time you see what it looks like is when you turn it off, which happens allot. the video explains how to get the sides all the same.The important thing is to stay well protected, turning at around 2000 rpm I lost a few examples, that can be avoided to some extent, info in the video. I reduced the size of this picture below 2 mp and it still orients the wrong way, anyway it catches your eye and that is important.This was just a experiment, top and bottom the same, small in the middle,usually short on the bottom and tall on the top. Makes for some striking wood turnings, Most that I have done is just with plain wood, will try some with a more varied grain, light and shadows play along with the curves.These projects can be used for a variety of things, candle holders, very nice drinking cups, so nice to hold, seal the inside with crazy glue.other things.The videos links introduction and layout sides 1 an 2 3rd side to completed projectAlso check out Barbra Dee videos, she has done this for years.Thanks for looking and hope this may have sparked some interest.
comments appreciated… HAPPY NEW YEAR…

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posted at: 12:00am on 11-Jan-2021
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