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Cherry End Tables with Granite Tops

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Cherry End Tables with Granite TopsI built these at the same time as the Cherry Nesting Tables, since they followed the same design. They reside beside the chairs we sit in in the evening, as we read or watch television.They're solid cherry, with ply side and back panels. Joinery is loose tenon (and grooves for the panels). Finish is a coat of commercial sanding sealer followed by 2 coats of satin pre-cat lacquer. It's not really visible in the picture, but the legs have a degree of chatoyancy that I'm very happy with.The tops are 3 cm granite (seafoam green) and match the fireplace mantel in the family room, where they reside. I had hoped to locate some 2 cm granite, but didn't have any luck. Then I stumbled on a fabricator who had lots of scraps of 3 cm he was willing to cut and polish for a very reasonable price. So reasonable, in fact that I chose to build two tables when my original intention had only been for one.Why granite, you ask? Because I hate coasters, and I almost always have a drink beside me when I'm sitting in the evening, most often a glass of sweaty ice water. I wanted the tops to endure all the abuse we would heap on them for years to come.I waffled for a long time on a means of attaching the tops to the tables: Silicone? Construction adhesive? Drill pockets, fill them with epoxy and screw into the epoxy? It wasn't until I got the granite home and set one of the pieces on top of a table that I realized I didn't want to attach them. The epiphany came as the realization that as long as I could devise a means of registering the tops on the tables and prevent them from moving that would be enough; they weren't going anywhere. In addition, the tables would be far easier to move if we could do so as two “lighter” components.I'd already pocket screwed some baltic birch cleats to aid in attaching the tops. I simply embedded 1/4” dowels in these.Then, with a 5/16” diamond bit, I drilled corresponding recesses in the underside of the granite.The granite slipped over the dowels with a satisfying thunk. Absolutely no wiggle.Anyway, I'm sure some will think I'm a bit daft for incorporating granite into an end table, but I'm happy with the result.As always, comments, questions, and constructive criticism are welcome.Oh, one final word: I'm not a joinery snob. The loose tenon joinery already makes these tables pretty much bomb-proof, so when it came to attaching the cleats, the pocket screws were quick, easy, more than sufficiently strong, and just fit the bill.

Read more here

posted at: 12:00am on 14-Mar-2021
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