The Woodshop Shed

adventures in woodworking and home maintenance, from my shop in a backyard shed

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Furnished content.

TurningsSummer shop clean-up.Birch Bowl, 8.75”D X 3”H. Food safe finish.I made a batch of spatulas, 51 this time. I'm making more of the longer ones now that don't get lost in an Instant Pot. 12” instead of 10.5”. Gave away a half a dozen of each size already.4 more wands for the grandkids. Still 2 to go.Made four 5” spheres from some Yellow Cedar beam ends. Eight 3” Walnut spheres from old table legs. Also a Maple and a couple of maybe Mahogany. Added them to my collection in my big Yellow Cedar bowl. My wife just shakes her head, doesn't see the point of them. I don't know why but enjoy making and looking at them.

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posted at: 12:01am on 19-Aug-2022
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