The Woodshop Shed

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Race Car for Ledger

Furnished content.

Race Car for LedgerLedger is my 4 month old neighbor. He got clothes and “dumb stuff” for his birthday…..I wanted him to have something cool, something that would last beyond two months beyond the receiving of his gift. Ledgers Dad and Grandpa are huge Bears fans. His room is done in the bears theme. This can sit on his shelf until he is two or so and then he can play with it. Oh did I mention Ledger is huge for his age? He is the hope of the neighborhood to play ball for the Bears.This car is modeled after a a car I saw on ebay. It started life as an Ash 2×4. I glued it together, shaped it with a bandsaw, 1” sanding belt, a rasp, and a ton of sandpaper. “Shaping” is actually an ancient term that means “fool that sands until his fingers bleed”. I filled several area with filler , then a grain filler. I learned that I really should have used that tape that body shop folks use to sculpt curves and flames, and to get better stickers. I see that they will need a dab of CA to sit down on the rounded areas. The tires I bought off of ebay, they are skateboard wheels, that I made axles from long bolts on my metal lathe. It was fun, a first attempt at a “cartoonish” racer, more to come.Thanks for looking….

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posted at: 12:00am on 16-Aug-2022
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