The Woodshop Shed

adventures in woodworking and home maintenance, from my shop in a backyard shed

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Slightly confused board

Furnished content.

Slightly confused board My first attempt at a chaos cutting board succeeded, sort of. I didn't look at any videos or directions, just sort of figured it out. I call it my slightly confused board and not really chaos. Glue ups weren't easy due to the differing triangles. Walnut, oak, and maple were used. Size is 11×5x1.25. Turned out on the small side so it probably minimally useful.Don't know why everyone says these are made from scrap. I never have any scrap longer than 14. Video guys use lots of very long pieces. Maybe they're making other stuff that they don't advertise. (Mini rant off)

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posted at: 12:00am on 15-Aug-2022
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