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Simple Spice day project
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Simple Spice day projectOne need for large spice jars….36 inch shelf, 3.5 inch deep and ledge to keep them in. So i made the ledge with a 1/2 in dowel, marked matching holes for 1/4 inch dowels in shelf and dowel. Then drilled to about 1/8 or so depth. dry fit showed it was a go. i cut the dowel short on the ends for looks. i did use a pocket screw on the bottom to really secure the shelf but it was a snug fit anyways. a coat of matching stain and spray poly in an hour. Its Arizona and it works that way here. And thats the before and after, but of course the wife went right to it. now I just counted 14 large jars on this shelf. Shelf number 2 will go on the top of the range control with space for venting and the switch but only room for small spice jars and cans of seasoning. that one is 32 by 3.5 in.
Maybe some ideas for your kitchen and spouse.

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