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1:6 scale model of the Wegner Dolphin chair
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1:6 scale model of the Wegner Dolphin chairI've had my eye on the Wegner JH510 'Dolphin' chair for a while. I worked out some vectors for the pieces a while back, but paused after that. I've been getting the itch to build another chair, but unfortunately, I can't allocate time to work on one right now. But a couple days to knock out a scale model of the chair? That I can do. This will help me to verify proportions and get a jump-start on how to go about building the full-sized version.The original is a folding chair, but to simplify the model build, there are no moving parts – everything is tacked together with CA glue. The frame is made from ayous – wood I frequently use for table tennis paddles. It's fairly lightweight and easy to sand. Here are a few photos of the build process.Blanks for the parts that will be cut out on the cnc.
I cut out some extras where I could squeeze them in, just in case.
The arm pieces were a bit too thick, so I kept sanding them down until they were closer to target. I'll be sure to adjust the design to account for this. Score 1 for scale modeling.Today, I moved the project outside. Sanding isn't so bad if you're not cooped-up indoors.
I made this little triangle to exactly set the legs in correct position.
A dot of CA glue where the parts meet holds everything together. After both sides assemblies were done, I glued-in the various stretchers. This was a bit stressful trying to hold things together while fiddling with CA glue and accelerant, and I forgot to take an more photos until it was all together.
I still need to work out if I'll add some kind of seat and back covering. I might just leave it as a skeleton for now. It was a fun little project, and I can another chair to my portfolio (scale model, whispered sotto voce).

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home << Woodworking << auto 1 6 scale model of the wegner dolphin chair