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home << Woodworking << auto lil cabinet i built to store my ros pads
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Lil' cabinet I built to store my ROS pads

Furnished content.

I stored them in my screw drawer, but everytime I pulled to draw out to get some screws, the plastic containers that the ROS pads come in would get jammed/cracked. So I decided to make this. All out of scrap wood. I was hoping to make it for nothing, but when I tried heating up the glazing of an old 6 over 6 window to harvest the glass, the glass cracked. So I went with some plexiglass. Probably safer in the shopin the long run, too. I had to buy the hinges and the dowels I used for the holders so I guess it cost me < $20.

The corners are rabbetted joints. If you look closely you'll see I intended it for 3 shelves (you can see agroove between the top and bottomshelf), but I decided on only 2 shelves. You might be able to make out the3rd shelf is resting on the top if I ever decide to install it. Thought about doing a french cleat, but it isn't wide enough to span between 2 studs, so on the backside there's a strip glued inrunning down the middle which give strength and makes up the difference for where the back is let into the sides.

On the holders I made a test one with 3/8" dowels, but that would have been a real tight fit for the ROS paper and the dowels would need to be dead nuts straight and parallel. I opted for 5/16" dowels which are perpendicular to the base and parallel and it gave me a little wiggle room for the padsso I wouldn't be fighting them to get themoff of the holders. The dowels are simply glued into the round holders I made. They're sanded flush on the bottom side. The bottom sides are a little rough (guess my circle cutting bit isn't too sharp), but the holders live in the shop and the good side is up so that's all that really matters.

There are extra circles leaning onthe top shelf and on top if I ever install the 3rd shelf.

.gif  door_closed.gif (Size: 287.66 KB / Downloads: 84)

.gif  Door_open.gif (Size: 303.77 KB / Downloads: 84)

.gif  Pad_holder.gif (Size: 320.56 KB / Downloads: 84)

.gif  Underside_of_holder.gif (Size: 551.11 KB / Downloads: 84)

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posted at: 12:00am on 31-Aug-2024
path: /Woodworking | permalink

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