The Woodshop Shed

adventures in woodworking and home maintenance, from my shop in an oversized backyard shed

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Gluing up dissimilar woods...bad idea???

Furnished content.

Got some time this weekend and I saw a picture of this chess board on the innerwebs and I thought I'd try my hand at building it. Problemis that the wood stash of thick boards is somewhat limited. I have the cherry and thiswhite cedar from an oldfence post I'd like to use (waste not, want not, eh?). I know in the picture they don't look all that contrasting, but I'll test some Danish oil, hoping that the cherry will darken vs the white cedar. I've got more of the white cedar so I should be able to get knot-free blanks.

I probably will need to build a jig to glue up the "rows" of squares. Still need to mull that over in the melon what's the best approach would be.

Given that cherry is a hardwood and the white cedar is soft, do you think I'll encounter any issues with expansion/contraction??? They will be small pieces so I might be over-thinking it. Your thoughts?

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posted at: 12:00am on 07-Sep-2024
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