The Woodshop Shed

adventures in woodworking and home maintenance, from my shop in an oversized backyard shed

September 2024
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Antone have any 6/4 mahogony (or dark wood) they want to part with??

Furnished content.

I started on this chessboard last weekend, but when I applied to Danish Oil (or even just clear poly), the cedar and cherry I'm using didn't contrast all that well. So, I'm trying to find some darker 6/4 wood for the dark "columns". I've got plenty of the white cedar so I'll be cutting around all the knots.

I figure I need a 6/4 piece that's about 1 ft long and maybe 8-10" wide. (I can't do the board feet calculation in my head).

Do you have a piece like that? Or even 6/4 offcuts, I'll take those. The tallest column I need is 4" and they step down 1/2" from there. Any dark wood will do.

Name you (reasonable) price if you do. Thanks! (I'm in Mass so I'll tack on the shipping costs).

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posted at: 12:00am on 14-Sep-2024
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