The Woodshop Shed

adventures in woodworking and home maintenance, from my shop in an oversized backyard shed

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H'ep with procedure

Furnished content.

One of my winter projects will be to build two saddle-seatcounter-height stools, sorta like this one:

Our counters are 36" high so I am thinking +/-28" height, seat dimensions 12"X16", splayed legs to maybe 14"X18". I have a ton of 5/4 prime straight-grained walnut that will be used, and I want to avoid the battleship-type construction used in most of my projects over 50+ years (no linebackers will ever sit on these!). M&T joints for stretchers and footrests. Maybe a 1/2" "saddle depth" across the width. Finish likely just Danish oil.Questions:

1) How would you fashion the "saddle" for this? My plan is to bandsaw out the general outline and then chisel/scrape/sand to finish-ready. I do not have any of the large-scale carving/shaping tools like a scorpbut have a foam-padPC ROS, a 6X48 belt sander, and a bench spindle sander. One thought is to make a sanding block from one of the bandsaw cutouts.

2) Would you taper the legs, likely to be about 1"X2" finish dimension?

Any other ideas or comments? TIA.


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posted at: 12:00am on 17-Nov-2024
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