The Woodshop Shed

adventures in woodworking and home maintenance, from my shop in an oversized backyard shed

November 2024
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November Knife Project

Furnished content.

I didn't do this one as a buildalong, but thought I'd share the finished project.

The knife is a nice little skinner. Stainless Guard, with a Copper accent I shaped from a BarStock piece of copper. The pins in the Highly Figured walnut scales are from round stock Nickel Silver. I spent hours laying out and tooling the spine on this knife and tried a new technique for filling in the tooling. I bought some metallic tint which I used on the epoxy I used on the scales and the copper accent and filled in the tooling accents on the spine then sanded it all smooth. I sanded the scales to 1500 grit and they got seven coats of beeswax, after treatment with Watco Golden Oak Oil finish. That Golden Oak really made the grain in the walnut pop. First a look at the spine's details.

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Then a peek at the grain pattern in the belly of the beast.

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I made a sheath for practice as I am trying to learn to use my Cowboy 3200 sewing machine. This thing can sew harness thickness leather. Miss T can knock stuff out on it left and right, but she is a quilter and has a half dozen high end machines in her hobby shop... all top quality. She answers my questions and shows me how to do "things" on my machine, bought to sew belts and holsters.

I'm getting there. This was tooled, dyed, antiqued, and waxed. Came out pretty good for a leather rookie.

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The knife itself? Yup, Miss T said it's looking good, so I'm good.

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Like many of us, I look at the completed projects and see the small issues. I'm anal, a bit of a perfectionist. But... it makes me strive to improve on the next project. I guess that's not a bad thing, although it means I can't be satisfied in my work. LOL.

Read more here

posted at: 12:00am on 13-Nov-2024
path: /Woodworking | permalink | edit (requires password)

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